ENGIE Impact and WBCSD join forces to scale up global zero-carbon manufacturing practices

How-to guidance on strategies and best practices to accelerate manufacturing decarbonization

Published: 6 May 2022
Type: News

London – 6 May 2022: ENGIE Impact, a leader in sustainability transformation solutions, and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), are partnering to deliver a masterclass series to address the challenges and opportunities associated with reaching Net Zero emissions within the manufacturing sector.

Industrial decarbonization remains one of the biggest global challenges on the journey to Net Zero, with the industrial sector accounting for 34% of all direct and indirect emissions globally. According to the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC report, following a 1.5°C pathway will require accelerated actions across all economic sectors to reduce global CO2emissions by 2050, leaving companies with no option but to scale up quickly if they are to meet these targets.

To tackle this challenge, over the next six months ENGIE Impact and WBCSD are bringing together sustainability experts and leaders in the “Net Zero Manufacturing Masterclass” series to develop a set of principles that manufacturing companies across the world may use to scale up their decarbonization efforts immediately.

“From ensuring raw materials are responsibly sourced, to maintaining reduced levels of energy and water consumption, industrial and manufacturing companies are facing increasing pressure to adapt processes and resources in line with global sustainability goals,” says Nicolas Lefevre-Marton, Managing Director, Sustainability Solutions at ENGIE Impact. “Decarbonization challenges within the industrial sector are unique and require a holistic view across multiple decarbonization levels. In addition, industrial footprints are often distributed across multiple sites and geographies adding further barriers to decarbonization. This masterclass with WBCSD aims to help industrial companies achieve Net Zero and determine the right technical approach to decarbonization while optimizing economic outcomes,” continues Nicolas.

Alexander Nick, Director Climate Action at WBCSD says, “Together with WBCSD’s member companies and ENGIE Impact’s multi-disciplinary sustainability expertise, we explore current challenges on production-related carbon reduction measures, exchange best practices and identify unlocks to scale Net Zero manufacturing.”

The series began with a session focusing on understanding decarbonization levers in the manufacturing sector and how to build a future-proof roadmap across the manufacturing footprint.

Future sessions will include:

  • Understanding the synergies between decarbonization levers to reduce Scope 1 & 2 emissions
  • Adopting a renewable energy sourcing strategy to deliver on Scope 2 targets
  • Planning for emerging technologies in decarbonization strategies: hydrogen, carbon capture utilization and storage (CCUS) and others

Participants of the series will gain a better understanding of how to implement a Net Zero roadmap that generates momentum across sectors to enable their business to move from intention to implementation of their decarbonisation strategies.

For more information on the series and how your company can learn more, please contact Alexander Nick  alexander.nick@dzpages.com

For more information on the subject of the first masterclass, read the Engie Impact article http://www.engieimpact.com/insights/zero-carbon-manufacturing-transformation

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