Renewable electricity procurement: blazing a trail from innovation to leadership

Lessons from WBCSD’s work on renewable electricity procurement, 如何在这十年展现领导力, and how companies can move to purchasing all energy they require sustainably.

Published: 27 Apr 2023
Author: 玛丽安娜·海因里希,WBCSD能源总监
Type: Insight


  • Companies are actively implementing their sustainability ambitions, which has propelled the growth in corporate renewable procurement over the past years.
  • 通过重新调节, 水务署成员透过购电协议推动可再生电力采购的转变。, set standards for company leadership and navigated complex hurdles along the way. 找到我们的指引 here.
  • We share our latest recommendations for sustainable RE procurement through six leadership strategies.
  • 我们探讨了企业下一步如何通过采购或生产可持续的供热解决方案和燃料来实现脱碳目标.

REscale是如何点燃可再生能源的 电力转换

在过去十年中, 全球企业可再生电力采购呈指数级增长,因为企业越来越多地承担起解决气候危机的责任,并认识到可持续经营是前进的唯一道路. One of the leading ways for companies to procure renewable power is through power purchase agreement (PPA), which is a contract between the corporate buyer (off-taker) and the power producer (developer, 独立电力生产商, investor) to purchase electricity at pre-agreed prices for pre-agreed periods.

The REscale initiative has been pivotal in propelling this transformation.

它始于一个正规博彩十大网站:在企业可再生能源采购市场处于起步阶段之际,将可再生能源电力价值链上的公司聚集在一起,以增进理解并解决共同的挑战. What started with a few companies committing to using 100% renewable electricity in 2015, evolved to hundreds of companies making significant progress in implementation by 2023.

Through collaboration and knowledge sharing in the Global Corporate Renewable PPA Forum, WBCSD成员能够识别障碍, 开发解决方案 & 风险缓解战略和建立标准 & norms for renewable electricity procurement that supported companies around the globe in adopting RE solutions.

论坛与各种律师合作, accountants and consultants to help procurement functions within companies navigate the complexities, including 会计的影响 各种各样的 企业购电协议定价结构,克服诸如 cross-border and 多元技术ppa, overcome implementation barriers in certain markets like Brazil and India, and founded a number of flagship national and regional PPA forums that explored specific geographical needs (in Argentina, India, Europe, Brazil and South Africa).

In Europe, our joint RE-Source platform achieved remarkable success. 汇集欧洲风能, SolarPower欧洲, RE100和WBCSD的共同目标是打开市场, 创造需求,促进商机, this growing community also hosts the world's largest annual corporate renewable procurement event. 要了解更多并参与其中,请关注 RE-Source 参与的平台.

在过去的七年里, REscale计划帮助会员成为可再生能源采购的领导者,不仅超越了其他公司,而且展示了ppa在融资和加速可再生能源项目方面的重要性(点击这里阅读更多).

Today, WBCSD’s members are responsible for nearly half of around 145 GW of corporate PPAs signed to date. In 2021, WBCSD members sourced an average of 39% of their electricity consumption from renewables, which is equivalent to replacing the capacity of 20 coal power plants.



"Participating in the WBCSD Global PPA Forum provided an opportunity to network with renewable energy developers, consumers, lenders, 律师事务所和价值链的其他成员帮助克服障碍,加快可再生能源在我们的投资组合中的采用. These efforts have positioned Dow to operate all its Brazilian sites with renewable power in 2025.” Claudia Schaeffer, Climate Integration Director, Latin America Energy & Climate, Dow

“EY joined the Global PPA Forum in 2015 at a time when corporate PPAs were generally little understood, 尽管我们已经在英国签订了购电协议, 墨西哥和印度. We’re proud to have joined the Forum and helped co-author two widely read reports on the topic, 让更多的人认识到购电协议如何帮助公司管理成本和支持其环境目标. Looking back on the process, we can see how much we learned, too.” 菲尔·多米尼,能源总监 & 基础设施哦,是吧

“Philips was one of the founding members of the WBCSD Global PPA Forum in 2015. 透过论坛, 我们能够通过点对点的分享来增强我们的集体知识,并产生新的想法并付诸行动, 比如我们在芬兰的虚拟财团PPA. 在这个迫切需要企业采取行动减少全球排放的时代,WBCSD和PPA论坛一直是提供解决方案的重要杠杆.”  Simon Braaksma,高级总监, 皇家飞利浦集团正规博彩十大网站排名.

我们为WBCSD及其成员公司所取得的成就感到无比自豪,并高兴地看到它的遗产在旗舰国家和区域倡议中得以延续. Our 资源库 对于寻求如何应对可再生能源采购的挑战和机遇的指导的公司仍然相关. 


近年来, 可再生能源采购的最佳做法已有所发展, 领先的公司将更广泛的可持续性考虑纳入其采购战略,包括对环境的影响, 人与自然. 人们对企业的期望也越来越高,他们不仅要减少碳排放,还要为一个公平的可持续电力系统做出贡献, 自然阳性,符合1.5°C scenario.

Based on the new drivers guiding companies to make power procurement decisions, 我们提出了六种领导方法,这些方法超越了向电网增加可再生能源容量这一有价值的目标,公司可以利用这些方法来改进其采购策略,并应对能源转型带来的风险和机遇: 

1)      在产生可再生能源的同时采购可再生能源,从而形成更全面的电力采购解决方案  

2)      Supporting grid flexibility by preloading or delaying consumption to support the stability of the power grid

3)      Integrating an asset’s emission abatement potential into procurement decision-making 

4)      可持续地使用资源和材料, 在开发过程中, construction, operation and decommissioning of renewable power procurement projects

5)      Ensuring renewable power procurement projects are nature-positive

6)      确保可再生能源采购项目以人为本,以社区为先,支持公正的能源转型

最合适的采购方法在很大程度上取决于公司的采购和可持续性战略, 他们的需求概况, 它们所在市场的政策和监管框架以及每种方法在这些市场中的可用性.*

看一看 our report for more information about each of these leadership approaches.

Where do we see corporate renewable procurement going next?

As companies continue to incorporate considerations of climate, 将社会和自然因素纳入其电力采购决策中,并采用上述领导方法, 他们也会被引导走向 获取可持续能源. To reduce emissions and increase business resilience, companies will need to consider all 能源用途-电力, 建筑和工业的供暖和制冷, and transport – across all assets and geographies; include all relevant internal stakeholders – from procurement and operations through to finance and executive management – and collaborate with external stakeholders, 整个供应链, 客户和本地终端用户.

我们正积极致力于将企业聚集在一起,以解决其中一些重大的可持续能源采购挑战:工业和建筑的可持续供热, 低碳氢用于难以减排的行业. 


我们正在与成员合作,制定和促进务实的企业指导,使轻工业公司能够加快可再生热解决方案的部署. 在提供关于 可再生热能有吸引力的市场, 工业热泵 and 热力即服务, we are currently scoping the next area of focus with our members.  

For more information on this workstream, please contact Surbhi Singhvi at


我们正在与正规博彩十大网站排名合作,以尽可能低的碳强度加速氢的商业部署 促进投资决策 在1的直线上.5°C scenario. 继续强化氢能市场信号,加快低碳氢项目部署.

For more information on this workstream, please contact Celine Le Goazigo at

New workstream to help energy users navigate complex energy solutions

我们正在启动一个新的工作流程,为企业能源用户提供指导,最终选择一套最佳的技术, 满足其能源需求的商业模式和融资机制,以及在解决与自然相关的能源转型的系统性挑战中发挥作用, equality, 气候和关键的原材料.

联系Surbhi Singhvi 看看你能不能参与进来.


我们要感谢100多家公司在过去几年里积极合作,加快企业可再生能源采购. Equally, we thank the many partners who worked with us in that time: our RE-Source partners (SolarPower欧洲, WindEurope, RE100), IRENA, 气候组织, CEBA, WRI, Eurelectric, GWEC, CDP, CEBDS, CEADS, NBI, BNEF和We Mean business联盟. 所有这些公司和组织都为WBCSD全球PPA论坛的成功做出了重要贡献

*WBCSD分析使用CDP的数据. 来自CDP的数据和分析排除了异常值.

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