Time to transform – Watch the GreenBiz21 keynote on how business must lead the transformation the world needs

发表: 2021年3月1日
类型: 新闻

日内瓦, 1 March 2021 – What will it look like for nine billion people to live, 好好生活, 到本世纪中叶在地球的极限范围内? How can business galvanize momentum towards action on the Sustainable 发展 Goals (SDGs), collectively driving an inspirational agenda for business, and ensuring that transformation in support of sustainability is at the core of businesses’ response to the COVID-19 crisis?

彼得·巴克,总裁 & CEO of the 正规博彩十大网站 (WBCSD), 与Sunny Verghese(首席执行官兼联合创始人)一起, Olam International as well as WBCSD Chair) and Andrea Alvares (Chief Brand, 创新, International and Sustainability Officer at Natura) sat down with John Davies (VP, 高级分析师GreenBiz Group) Greenbiz21的主题演讲 to address the importance of positioning transformation at the core of business’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery efforts, 并解决气候紧急情况的根源, 自然丧失和日益严重的不平等.  

会议提供了WBCSD更新的预览 2050年正规博彩十大网站, a framework to guide business action for the decade ahead that is practical, 立足于现实, and designed to help companies drive change in their sustainability planning and business strategies. The conversation focused on the key mindset shifts that business must embrace in order to set the stage for genuine transformation in support of the SDG agenda. These mindset shifts include the recognition for the need to reinvent our current capitalist model, the importance of enhancing business resilience and our capacity to embrace and adapt to change, and the need for more regenerative thinking as we address the need for restoration of environmental and social systems.

“Ten years ago we thought of sustainability as individual themes, 比如气候变化或水资源, today we are all talking about the need for system transformation and the interdependencies between these challenges have become much clearer”, 彼得·巴克在主题演讲中说道. “但我们真的知道什么是系统转换吗, 更重要的是, do we have a clear enough view of how we actually transform systems? 《2050年正规博彩十大网站》非常彻底地承担了这项工作.”

The speakers stressed that the COVID-19 pandemic and the massive disruptions it is causing to societies constitutes an unprecedented opportunity to rethink business models and accelerate transformation with a greater focus on inclusion, 和再生.  “当世界停止了, we saw very visibly the impact of human action on the planet, putting us in to look with a critical view of our on our ways of living and on the systems that we have created. 如果我们创造了它们, we probably have the capability to reassess and redesign them, 寻找更可持续的商业模式, 经济系统, and mechanisms of social distribution of wealth and equity” said Andrea Alvares. 

据Sunny Verghese说, “the pandemic has acted as a massive trigger to double down on sustainability for Olam. What started as a health crisis evolved into a food security crisis but also a poverty crisis.他补充说:“我们必须让个人做出改变。. If you're not the change that we want to see in others, the zero chance that we can change the world.”


  • Full video of the GreenBiz session titled “Time to Transform” (20分钟)
  • Join us on Thursday 25 March for the launch of WBCSD's 2050年正规博彩十大网站 update. 在WBCSD新的定制虚拟平台上举办, this event will: share a top-line overview of this update to 2050年正规博彩十大网站 - developed over nearly two years by 40 WBCSD member companies in close collaboration with an advisory committee of leading global experts; feature WBCSD Council Members' perspectives on the implications of 2050年正规博彩十大网站 for shared, disruptive and accountable business leadership on sustainable development; and rally business, partners and other stakeholders behind a transformative agenda that is fully aligned with the Sustainable 发展 Goals and the targets of the Paris Agreement, translating the ambitions of these critical global frameworks into clearly actionable areas of business activity.

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